A Word from Benjamin Netanyahu to Christians

Inspiration Travel



In a newly released video recorded at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu encouraged Christians to visit Israel in the coming year.

“I’m so proud of our relations with our Christian brothers and sisters,” he says in the brief holiday greeting, which highlights the ongoing relationship between Jews and Christians. “It moves us deeply to have this bond with you because we all know this land of Israel is the land of our common heritage. It changed the story of humanity. It changed civilization.”

He reminded viewers that Israel is committed to seeing Christians live in peaceful prosperity despite present-day opposition in many parts of the world. “We stand with you and I'm proud of the fact that...this is the one place in the Middle East that the Christian community not only survives but thrives...because of our commitment to religious freedom,” he stated. “It's because of our embrace of our heritage. It's because of our embrace of our common future.”

This direct invitation to Christians—given by the respected leader of a powerful nation—is a rare honor. And we are privileged to help Believers experience the land of the Bible for themselves. In fact, we’re traveling to Israel several times in 2017, alongside leaders like Max Lucado, Kay Arthur and Dr. Robert Jeffress. If you’d like to take Prime Minister Netanyahu up on his offer, check out our upcoming tours.

A faith-building experience in Israel awaits you.