Anthony Evans Shares About Music and Travel

Hannah Hinson



From The Voice to the Hollywood Bowl stage, and from solo projects to exciting collaborations with his family members, Anthony Evans’ enormous talent has taken him all over the world. In November of 2023, it’s taking him to Israel, where he will lead worship alongside his father, Tony Evans, on this life-changing journey to the land of Scripture.

We caught up with Anthony between projects to ask him about travel, music and faith—and the places where those passions intersect. 

Inspiration: What has travel meant to you personally and professionally?

Anthony Evans: Travel, for me, is an intricate part of what I do, so it has become synonymous with making music, seeing people worship from all different backgrounds and seeing people’s hearts changed through worship music. The privilege of singing the songs God gave me is always associated with travel. Travel is a conduit through which I get to do what I do.

Side profile of Anthony Evans singing
Anthony Evans leading worship

Tell us about a time when travel helped you connect or reconnect with family or friends.

Like many of us, my family and friends are not all in one place. So there is always a positive correlation associated with travel. Sometimes travel can be hard, but almost every time it helps connect me to family and friends—and to some of the greatest memories I’ve ever had.

Describe a memorable experience you had while traveling. What made it unforgettable? 

I’ve traveled almost 3 million miles now and have had a lot of memorable experiences, but one of the best was going to Peru to meet Juan Andre, the child I sponsor. That was an unforgettable moment. Often I forget the details of a trip, but I can remember every detail of that experience. Meeting a child I was sponsoring, via an organization that I get to support out on the road . . . that was special.

What places are still on your travel bucket list? What draws you to these destinations? 

I still want to go to Egypt, Turkey and the Maldives. I would like to see the beauty of the Maldives and am drawn to the rich culture and history of Turkey and Egypt.

Why should people travel? What are the benefits you’ve experienced?

Travel is eye-opening. It reminds you that not all of the world lives like you. It opens your eyes to the creativeness of God. It opens your eyes to the importance of your faith, to people who live their faith a different way. It can teach you unexpected things.

What are your favorite seasons or times of year to travel? Why? 

The spring or the fall. Fall in New York City is just beautiful! And I love spring before it gets too hot to enjoy the outside. 

What excites you most about traveling with Inspiration?

I think it’s the history that our family has with Inspiration. To see people who have been a part of my parents’ ministry for more than two decades—that makes me excited. Because I’ve seen how hard my parents, Tony and Lois Evans, have worked and I know how hard Inspiration has worked to provide quality faith-based travel experiences alongside them. It is good to see and work with people who are mutually invested in giving an excellent experience to our travelers.

Tony Evans holding the Bible and preaching to a group of people on a first-century replica boat on the Sea of Galilee
Tony Evans preaching on a first-century replica boat on the Sea of Galilee

Tell us something unique about your experience with fans/followers in different parts of the world. 

Travel has opened my eyes to the magnitude of what God is doing, even though we may have no idea what is going on. It’s always a privilege when you’re walking down the streets of London, or somewhere like Germany, and you have somebody stop you and talk about your music. That’s eye-opening, because even though I’ve done this for a long time, I do not always realize how far the music can reach. One time in Paris, when the audience was singing along to my songs, it just struck me how crazy and inspiring that was. But that’s what God can do.

With today’s technology, and the church’s influence, our music can reach anywhere. It helps me realize that the church is alive—and sometimes doing better than I imagined.

How does traveling impact your faith and worldview? Does it shape your perspective in any way? 

Travel broadens your perspective. All it takes is one moment of seeing someone who has the same faith as I do—but speaking a different language and having a different experience—to make me realize that my faith is broader than the Bible Belt, which is the culture I came from.

Group of Inspiration travelers on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem
Inspiration travelers on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem

How do you experience God uniquely in different places? 

It’s by opening my heart up to engage not only in the culture, but the worship culture of the audiences I visit. To see people worshiping the same God, but with a different expression, opens up my mind to a worldwide view of worship—which can be so different from an American view of worship.

Where are your favorite places to be when writing or composing? 

As much as I love to travel, I also love to be home. I love to take all my experiences and bring them home. I’m easily distracted, so when I’m out traveling and trying to write, before I know it, I’ll forget what I’m doing or where I’m supposed to be.

Your music changes lives. Do you have any fan story or interaction that has stuck with you through the years? 

There was a guy who came up to me and told me he was once about to take his life. He had been sitting on the edge of a bridge over the Hudson River in New York. His iPod was on shuffle and before he was able to jump, one of my songs came on—“Could It Be,” a song that I had recorded more than 12 years ago. When that song played, he got down off the bridge. The man showed me his arm and he had “Could It Be” as a tattoo. I will never forget that. At the time, I was having a really hard time with my motivation and with the industry, and this was just a moment where God put wind in my sails. I think we all have different kinds of stories when our wind is just about to “die down” and then God just blows his breath into our sails. That’s what that moment was for me. 

We are looking forward to joining Anthony and his family—including his sisters, Chrystal Evans Hurst and Priscilla Shirer—in Israel this fall. As he says, travel broadens your perspective, and worshiping in Israel is always a faith-enriching experience. 

Will we see you there?